Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Welcome Back - The First Day of School

First Day of School Advisory

Welcome Back!  I hope your summer was restful and full of fun!  I have outlined below some topics that should be covered during advisory.  As always, I appreciate your assistance in getting the first week of school off to a great start.

1.     Introduce advisory and advisees and describe your role as the advisory teacher.

2.     Attendance procedures:
·         Lateness:  Explain procedures. 
·         Absence:  Explain procedures following absences and the importance of bringing an absence note to you and note that the absence notes will be submitted to attendance.
·         Early Dismissal:  Explain that they must bring a signed note from a parent and that the note must be submitted to the teacher before signing out in the Main Office and that students must go to the main office on their own.  They will not be called down.
·         Note the importance of arriving to school on time (barring bus problems).  They must be in advisory by 7:50am and that advisory is technically the first period of the day that sets the tone for the remainder of the day.  Students with three or more lates from advisory, may receive a consequence for repeated lateness.  A flag is raised now after the first three.
·         All attendance information is available on Infinite Campus.
·         Parents can view lates and absences from home on the parent portal.
3.     Schedules:
·         Review basic information including A day/B day schedules, 10 week rotations and Fall/Spring courses.
·         Refer students to Guidance for any major problem that they may have with their schedules.
·         Inform students that schedules will be available in the Guidance Office if they forget to bring them to school
4.     Lockers:
·         Distribute locker cards and locker maps to students.
·         Caution students NOT to share their combinations, and NOT to share lockers.  Talk to your students in advisory and your classrooms about locker etiquette, including not marring or making the locker in any way.  If graffiti appears, they are responsible for cleaning it or notifying the office.
·         Encourage students to report locker problems in a timely manner to Mrs. Teer in room 100.
·         Instruct students that they are not to change lockers without the express permission of administration. NO EXCEPTIONS.
·         Remind students that they should not share their locker combination with any student.
·         Indicate to students that they are responsible for the master locks.  If lost, they will be charged a fee of $6.00 to replace the lock.
·         Remind students that they may not place their own locks from home on the locker.  Locks from home will be removed from the locker unless they have the express permission of administration to place alternate locks on their lockers.
5.     Agenda Books:
·         Explain the purpose of the agenda book as a helpful learning tool
·         Explain its use as a communication instrument between home and school.
·         Explain its use as a means of understanding the standards, rules, and culture of Candlewood.
·         Explain its’ use as a hall pass.  Students will not be permitted to exit the classroom unless he/she has his/her agenda book with him/her.
·         Distribute agenda books and read and discuss the district’s Harassment Policy, Code of Conduct and the Internet Agreement.  Remind students to get their parents to sign the contract and return to you.  Failure to do so will result in loss of computer privileges.
·         Discuss the Code of Conduct.  All students should be made aware of Project Save guidelines and that many ill-conceived behaviors may result in consequences or loss of privileges.

6.  First Day:
·         Remember that the first day sets the tone for the school year.  Explain that we are sincerely interested in their having a successful year and that means: 
1.       Arriving to classes on time.
2.       Passing through the halls with decorum.
3.       Respecting each other.
4.       Behaving responsibly individually and socially.
5.       Keeping their building clean and orderly.
6.       Behaving appropriately in all classes to maximize learning.
7.       Following rules and regulations outlined by the school, i.e., no backpacks, no cursing, etc.